Youth Mission: "Ready & Equipped"

Join Us!!

The River Rocks Youth Group is going to be joining with another Calvary Chapel  for a mission trip to their church this summer! During this trip, the Youth will be given opportunities to share their faith to other youth, help in the local community, serve the people and be apart of the Youth service!

When & Where?

The trip will be from Friday Morning, July 12th - Sunday Afternoon July 14th! The trip will be held at Calvary Chapel Fort Mill, in South Carolina! It is about a 4 hour drive from our church!


The cost for the Mission Trip is $150 per youth & $150 per Chaperone
Friday, 7/12
Evening Plan (Youth meeting/teaching, worship, hang out/rec time)

Saturday, 7/13
Morning Plans (breakfast, get ready, worship & prayer)
Park outreach (Walter Elisha Park, Ft Mill)
Group Activity (ideas below)

Sunday, 7/14
Morning Plans (breakfast, pack up)
Church (10am service)
Head home

Sign Up Your Youth or Chaperone Below!